
Good Weekend Fun

This weekend I got a ton of time in the studio. I've almost finished the painting that I've been working on since February, and started another new project. Even though my studio space also doubles as my dining room, it's a really sunny, comfortable place to work. It also looks out into our garden that we've been diligently working on for the past few weeks.
Last week, I bought enough lumber to keep myself busy with panel building. I can't believe that we only have 3 weeks left of school. I can't tell you how much I'm looking forward to it...


Artist's Website VII

Last Friday, I got to work on a project of the local artist, Tucker Nichols. When I say work, I mean package and label for shipping, so not actually work on the project, but it was fun. I can't say much about it, because the project is a secret, but I'll remember to unveil the secret when the time is right!
I was first introduced to Tucker when I went to a visiting artist lecture about 6 months ago. The lecturer was the owner of Lincart, a gallery on Market. Tucker seems to be a gallery favorite so he was in the video that the artist/gallery owner had shown.
His work is great and his website really reflects it.



I finally got some time in the studio today. Lately, a lot of my time at home (the little that there is) has been spent working on the computer. I found out today that my website isn't actually due for a while, so I decided to step away from the desk and really sink into the studio.
I've been working on the same painting for a few weeks now, and feel like it's really coming along. I'll be able to add it to the image library that I'm going to put on my website shortly. This is what it looked like when I first started it:
A lot has been done since then, so I'll post pics when it's finished.
My internship has been going really well. It's a little bit of new stuff that I haven't done before, but I've felt really comfortable with it so far. I'm looking forward to really digging my feet into a project, hopefully soon.


My Last Paper/Running 12 miles

Even though I plan on doing quite a bit of writing in my career, I have just completed my last paper for a class.  It's an amazing feeling, I must say. I really enjoy writing, but I like to do it on my own terms and write about things that I'm interested in.  As the end of the semester is approaching, I'm happy to say that I can check this one off of the list, and now I can focus on other things.  
On another note, I'm officially in the "Building Mileage" phase of the marathon training.  It's crazy.  I know that I did this all last year, but it's amazing to know that I'm going to be running 12 miles, two days from now.  Last Saturday, I ran 9 when I was supposed to run 11. And I wonder why I'm always hungry.



I've been so busy lately; trying to prep for a new job, take care of everything at the old job, work my second job, work on my website, write papers that I truly don't want to write, etc. etc. etc.
The list just goes on and on and on. But I've started my internship, so I can just move forward and take care of everything else. I constantly have to remind myself that I can only do one thing at a time and not get bogged down by impending projects.
I've gotten in a little studio time over the past few weeks. I've been developing the same ideas from the last few pieces that I've done, including the one at Somarts:

I have 3 panels that I've built that are dedicated to this body of work. I'll build at least two more to tide me over the summer. I'm trying to figure out if there's a way for me to sneak back into school in the fall to use the machines to build panels.
I love working on panels and I think that there's something really special in being able to build your support from the ground up, even though building them can be a pain.


Artist's Website VII

This is by far the craziest website yet. The first page truly assaults your senses.
Tauba Auerbach is amazing. She has been an SF favorite for a while. I remember reading some 7x7 Magazine "Hot 30 Under 30" list that she was on a few years ago. I still think her work is amazing...


Artist's Website VI

I don't know much about this artist, Lucy Pullen, but I thought that I would do a little research on her based on the subscription that I have to "The Thing Quarterly", which you can read about here.
Her website, which you can get to by going here, is something that I feel I could put together with my eyes closed. Not that I'm an expert, but really, there's nothing to it: a white background, archive button, bio button. It also gives you the option to download her CV as a pdf. Maybe her work is about starkness. I plan on finding out when I research her work a little more...


Artist's Website V

This is one of my favorite watercolor artists, Kim McCarty. Simple androgynous children's portraits, sometimes done in a single color.
Her website is also simple, but I found a little hard to navigate because you had to rely on the browser's return arrow to get back to the previous page. Something to think about...
You can find her website here.