
Artist Statement

I've been revising my artist statement slowly over the weekend and I'm pretty happy with the outcome. I really like the idea of having a statement that is eloquent but short and sweet. I have a subscription to the magazine, "New American Paintings", and just received one in the mail last week. Each issue is done regionally and is juried by a guest curator. It's more like a catalog than a magazine, done alphabetically ordered with 3 pieces per artist and includes a C.V., bio and statement for each artist. It's been a great reference for me. Some of them are a little more flowery than I'd like my own to be, but nonetheless, helpful to read. I'm going out of town this Wednesday, so I'm going to miss the second artist statement workshop, which is sad. Maybe I can get someone to give me private feedback?
I drove up to Gail Dawson's show at the Dominican University in San Rafael this Saturday. Having been a student of hers for a couple of years and only having seen one live piece of her work, it was great to see it up close and personal. I was totally blown away by the amount of work that goes into the video pieces. 24 (?) paintings only take up one second of video. That's a huge project to tackle.

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